Wednesday 18 March 2009


This is such a fantastic time of year.

First early taters are peeking their heads above ground, will soon be earthing them up to maximize yield.
Salad is going beserk under the cloche: lettuce, spring onions, radishes, carrots and beetroot.
I have nice seedlings poking up of red cabbage, peas, beetroot, parsnips, leeks and carrots.
My overwintering Broad beans, onions, and garlics are looking bigger every day.
In the greenhouse I've potted on the brussels sprouts and the cauliflower, and they are looking very happy about it, and also the leeks and red onions I've been doing from seed are now in bigger pots. Some of the onions are looking a bit sad, so watching that carefully.

Next Jobs
I am watching very carefully for the first reptiles to wake up from hibernation, then I can lift some carpet I've had down on some rough ground without fear of upsetting anyone who's been sleeping through the winter. I'll dig that area over and also chop down the last area of brambles and have a nice burn :) in that area will then go my main crop of king edwards potatoes (taters being a very good thing to put in newly cleared earth).

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